Call for papers

Abstracts submission is now closed.

The deadline was 15th June 2019.


Abstracts must be submitted in English and have a maximum of 300 words.

Abstracts should include the title, authors and their complete affiliation, the text that summarizes the work, indicate if it will be an oral or poster presentation and the conference sessions (see conference sessions).

No special formatting requirements are needed but authors are encouraged to use common word processing tools in order to facilitate editing.

If you are a student and you want to candidate to oral or poster presentations you should mention it in the abstract submission.

Abstracts will be reviewed by members of the scientific committee and a notification with the final decision regarding acceptance, conference session and type of communication (oral or poster) will be send by e-mail until the 1st July 2019.

All presentations (oral or poster) can be considered for publication in special issues of Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Sciences, Ocean and Coastal Management and Ecological Indicators.




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